SPA Review Options and Timelines

What specialty licensure areas are defined by Specialized Professional Associations (SPAs)? What are unusual or special circumstances when preparing a SPA report? What are review requirements for add-on programs? What if a program is accredited by another accreditor?

Programs to be Submitted for SPA Review

What is the relationship between SPA and CAEP?

SPA role in CAEP accreditation

What choices do I have to write a SPA report?

SPA Program Review with National Recognition Report Writing Options

When is my SPA program report due - for initial review?

Program Report Submission Due Dates and Timelines


A shell is a template used by programs to submit a SPA report. How do I request shell(s) for my program report(s)?

Requesting Shells

Shells can be linked to save time and duplication of effort for programs in the same discipline. When and how do I link shells for such programs?

Linking Shells

How do I write an initial review report?

Submitting a SPA Initial Review Report

After a decision on the initial review report, how do I submit a revised program report?

Submitting Revised SPA Program Reports

After a decision on the initial review report, how do I submit a response to conditions report? 

Submitting Response to Conditions SPA Program Reports

How do programs report course grades for SPA Program Review?

Documenting Grade for SPA Review

How do programs conduct transcript analysis for SPA Program Review?

Transcript Analysis for SPA Review

What are the minimum data requirements for SPA Program Review?

Data Requirements for SPA Review

Where do programs find SPA-specific standards, instructions, samples of report form templates, sample assessments, and contact information for SPA coordinators?

SPA Standards & Report Forms

Resources for SPAs Developing Standards

What are the CAEP guidelines for SPAs to develop and revise standards for program review with National Recognition? This document is useful for both SPAs and educator preparation providers.

Program Review with National Recognition

Other Resources:

Guidelines C.2 List of Required Components

Sample Standards Request for Evaluation Packet